Build strong professional connections during in-person conferences
My Role
Refined the problem through user interviews
Conceptualized the features
Designed hi/lo-fidelity screens
Three weeks, one designer
Hi-fidelity screens
User research report
Measuring success
Improve quality of conversation
Share socials and contacts easily
Make the most out of in-person face time
Primary insight
My story of networking with some great people at an in-person tech conference
Ghosted because of not having a real conversation
*characters are fictionalized
how might we
… facilitate valuable professional relationships during conferences or business trips?
Especially in the post-pandemic world
And that led me to investigate at different conferences I attended– GitHub Universe, Figma Config, UXPA and SXSW
My top four learnings from these user conversations
I talked to about 30 people who were a mix of early and mid-career professionals
I found that one of the main issues was – connecting after the conversation has ended
So I identified a few broad problem categories and solutions
So I decided to sketch a few solutions visually
Based on the solutions and focus areas important to most professionals early in their career
I took these ideas back to the professionals I interviewed
Annotations are the comments I received
Based on the comments, I revised a few screens on the spot
And added some context
Following the iOS 16 UI guidelines – designed some HiFis
Here's how some of the screens turned out
How this project helped me grow as a designer?
Thanks for skimming all the way to the end — here are some outcomes and learnings!
This was my first end-to-end solo design project
It made me realized the importance to working with a team and delegating tasks
I pitched this idea to a few VCs who indicated interest but wanted more integration with conference organizers